HashKey, Gate.io, L&Y Law Office and Omer Ozden on RockTree OG Talk Series: Reg & Opps in Hong Kong’s Web3

May 27, 2023
RockTree Capital OG Talk Series

RockTree OG Talk Series: Regulations and Opportunities in Hong Kong's Web 3.0 Omer Ozden


CEO of RockTree Capital https://twitter.com/RockTreeCapital

Guest Speakers:

Jonathan Gill, Senior Legal Counsel: https://twitter.com/HashKeyGroup

Asher Wu, Head of Global Marketing: https://twitter.com/gate_io

Henry Wu, Principal Partner at L&Y Office: http://www.lylawoffice.com/

Co-Hosted by Odaily https://twitter.com/OdailyChina & MC by CH Egan https://twitter.com/ch_egan


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